Ghosts and other illusions is a site-specific work, made during my residency at Gathenhielmska Huset, one of the oldest houses in Gothenburg. Sharing stories of ghosts in the attic, doors leading nowhere, fake gardens, trompe l’oeils and stoves that cannot be lit, I wanted to investigate the ways our senses can deceive us – be it through sight or the passage of time.
Stretching over several rooms the works shift from projections on top of precious old tapestries to photographs and texts about my own experiences in the house. All works are accompanied by sound art by Lunr Girl.
Supported by Kulturungdom and Kulturrådet
Ghostmachine - diaprojection on wall
Memory projection on the Versailles Castle - slide projections on wall painting
Ghoststories - backprojected stop motion video. Sound by Lunr Girl.
Windows I, slide viewer with 4 different slides
Ghosts and Other Illusions - framed c-prints, silver gelatine prints and machine written texts
Windows II-IX, 8 polaroids
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