For as long as I can remember I have been collecting things. I don't know if it's rooted in a search for security or an attempt to hold on to something that is just too good to let go of. Maybe it's just a way to pass the time while impatiently waiting for what is to come.
In my project Collections of an impatient child, I have worked with my collections. Through techniques such as photograms, solarization of images and self-portraits, I investigated the objects in the photo studio and in the darkroom. Napkins, stones, marbles, plastic frogs, teacups and more. The process was intuitive and playful, resembling how I used to play with the objects 15 years earlier. 
By treating the collections with care and focus, as if they were unique collections of art or valuable historical artifacts,  I wanted to elevate them to the value they had to me growing up.
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